What's New


Updated  July 2, 2024 

Lost & Found 

There are a number of coats and such that have been hanging around for quite a while. Please check both racks and baskets at the main hall and main lobby. Items not claimed by August 9th will be donated to a local thrift store. 

Call for Photos 

UCC is looking for photos for their 2025-2026 bulletin covers and the 2026 church calendar. Please see the posted instructions in the hallway. Photos for bulletin covers are due by December 31, 2024 and January 15, 2025 for the calendar 

What’s Up 

Make sure to check the bulletin boards in the hallway to see what’s up within the community and other United Churches.

Community, Coffee, and Chat – Fridays at 10am 

The Community, Coffee and Chat has changed locations until the end of Summer. The new location is at the Tim Horton’s at 6 Edgewater Street at Hazeldean Road, everyone is welcome to join in, the meet-up time is at 10 am.  

Rev. Laurie will be in the office on Wednesday mornings 

Rev. Laurie will be in the office on Wednesdays from 9:30am to 12:30pm. If you would like to meet with her, please call her at 613-371- 1387, or email her at: laurie.mcknight@gcuc.ca 

Emergency Pastoral Coverage –June 2 – August 31st 

Rev. Laurie McKnight will provide Emergency Pastoral Coverage from June 2nd to August 31st. Laurie may be reached at 613-371-1387 or by email at laurie.mcknight@gcuc.ca 

Monthly Outreach - Summer - Campus Ministry at Algonquin College 

Campus Ministry welcomes all students and staff. They offer Christian counselling, prayer, bible study and fellowship and have been bringing a Christian dimension to college life since 1994. The Ministry seeks to strengthen and support the Christian community on campus while respecting and engaging people of other faiths and world views. To support this Ministry we will be collecting paper plates, disposable cutlery, disposable cups and napkins during the summer. Please put your donations in the blue Outreach Bin in the lobby by Sunday August 18

The Pastoral Care Team

Reach out and connect in Christ’s name

Members of the Pastoral Care Team continue to offer their care and spiritual compassion to those who request them on a confidential basis. We can now have visits within the protocols for COVID 19 and can also connect by phone, email, cards, and through prayers.

Our contact person for July is Bev Armbruster.  You may leave a non-confidential voice message at the church office at 613-836-4756. 


 Healing Pathway regular schedule is on  Mondays 10 am to 2pm and 7-8 pm. To book an appointment, contact Nancy at healingpathwaygcuc@gmail.com. If these times are not suitable, we are available for other times and locations. Just contact Nancy for other options and to set up a personalized appointment. 


Thank you so much for you continued support of Earthub. Our bins have seen a lot of use, and thus we are able to divert lots of items from going to the landfill. Just a quick reminder that for safety, please ensure your labels are removed from the prescription bottles before you put them in the bins. 

Please note, that as of January 2024, Earthub is not accepting any milk bags but, you may continue to drop off your milk bags and place them in the red bin at the main parking lot doors. Kathy Panagapko and David Rothwell are supporting a community programme that makes “Sit and Sleep” mats for the homeless. Each mat needs about 500 bags! 

Thanks again for your support. If you have any questions, please contact Anne McEwen or visit the Earthub Ottawa Chapter Facebook page.



2024 GCUC Summer Newsletter.pdf


Spring 2024 Reach Out Newsletter.pdf

Christmas 2023

2023 GCUC Christmas Newsletter.pdf